100+ Electrical Engineering Projects: Do your EEE Research on EVs
I would like to add a post on Electrical Engineering Project Ideas so that to get a complete list of electrical engineering projects that derived from all blog posts on GetElectricVehicle.com.
You can visit all the posts in the category “Project” to develop innovative research projects for electrical engineering.
You can grab “Electric Vehicle Research Projects” eBook
Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline generally deals with the application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
Read interesting facts about electrical engineering ( Wikipedia)
Let’s focus on electrical project ideas. As I mentioned earlier its quite difficult to read all posts in the blog and find innovative electric vehicle project ideas.
Here is an idea!
This article would help you to have a quick overview of the posts and related research project ideas.
How to use these ideas for electrical engineering projects
We are going to list a few major projects in electrical engineering from different blog posts published in GetElectricVehicle.com
Each sentence that writes in bold italics letters would be expanded and developed as electrical engineering projects.
Once a point is selected as a project topic search for related latest articles in the below technical journals.
- IEEE Xplore (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
It’s highly recommended to have a clear detailed picture of the topic that we select and what advancements are already been happened in the field.
#1 What are driving cycles and how to develop one for electric vehicle simulation?
Let’s start with driving cycles and see how to develop one driving cycle for EV simulation. It’s available right in the above post #1.
Yeah, from the blog post I would say that following are a few electrical engineering project ideas.
* Electric vehicle model simulation
Develop a mathematical model of an electric vehicle in Matlab. It’s an interesting as well as challenging task indeed.
A closed-loop electric vehicle system that takes driving cycle (somehow represents driver’s torque demand from the vehicle motor) as input and outputs expected velocity, state of charge (SoC) of battery, operating points of the motor, inverter, etc.
Electric vehicle closed-loop mathematical modeling comprises the following steps
* Battery modeling
I would say battery modeling of an electric vehicle would be another electrical engineering research project area.
I did a project on performance improved battery modeling for electrical vehicle simulation. You can find the paper presented at the IEEE conference held at IIT Delhi (ICPS 2016) here.
Internal resistance, self-discharge, etc. had been taken into account in the battery model.
The life of the battery will be affected by a lot of factors. The battery model can be developed including life modeling as well.
* Inverter modeling
An electrical vehicle makes use of SVPWM (State vector pulse width modulation) inverter to control the speed of the motor.
Simulation and hardware of SVPWM inverter with enhancements, especially to drive electric vehicle motors would emerge as a good project. Please think about possible enhancements in the inverter (harmonics elimination and switching loss reduction at high frequency in SVPWM)
* Electric machine modeling
Electric machines are being modeled for vehicle simulation as efficiency maps. Efficiency maps are the contours that represent the efficiency of the electrical machine at a different speed and torque combination.
Efficiency maps would have speed in the X-axis, torque in Y-axis, and corresponding efficiency in Z-axis.
Efficiency maps for an electrical machine can be experimentally created performing load tests in the lab. Interpolated data points would give a continuous contour of an efficiency map.
The induction motor equivalent circuit can be modeled and performance of the motor at different loads can be analyzed.
A vehicle control unit (VCU) is the component where we can implement and test our logic for the optimal operation of the electric vehicle.
VCU controls and decides torque from motor considering maximum and minimum torque limits, energy consumption from the battery, how much energy can be delivered in accordance with all other constraints (thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc.)
A complete vehicle model can be used for a variety of analyses. For example minimization of energy loss, optimized selection of components.
Vehicle models are readily available in Matlab and there is a free tool called Advisor (Advanced Vehicle Simulator) which is highly customizable.
I recommend you to use the tool for your projects.
With the help of a complete vehicle model battery performance can be analyzed. How does the SOC vary with distance traveled?
#2 How do we develop an electric scooter yourself?
Electric scooter development is a hardware DIY project that could turn into a highly reputed hardware and analysis academic project. Hardware projects always top in the list of electrical engineering projects.
Post #2 explains how to develop an electric scooter yourself. The calculations needed to select the appropriate motors, components, circuits, etc. are explained in post #3 (you could modify accordingly).
Calculations and analysis of prior hardware implementation itself would be a creative project. Once the components are selected based on an open-loop electric vehicle model (post #3) hardware of the vehicle can be developed.
The real-time analysis would be the next step. How the vehicle performs, how is the energy consumption, how SOC of the battery varies, charging time, optimal charging.
Do you start thinking deeply about the ideas that I share in the post? Could you get new innovative thoughts on EEE projects?
Keep your brain engaged!
#3 How to calculate the energy consumption of an electric car
Open-loop electric vehicle model (that’s what I would like to call the set of equations that represent an electric vehicle) developed for backward-facing simulation of an electric vehicle.
Its a comparatively easiest model that would be used for a lot of electrical academic projects. I developed and used the same for my electrical engineering MTech project. You can also use an open-loop EV model for electrical engineering projects that get from this article. 🙂
If a driving cycle is given as input, it calculates energy consumption at each stage of the powertrain. Component rating selection can be performed using the model.
The performance of vehicle in different driving cycles can be analyzed. Energy consumption minimization would be analyzed.
How does a slight variation of efficiency of the component affect the overall energy consumption of the vehicle?
The most critical factor (most sensitive factor) of electric vehicle design can be found out.
A vehicle that supposed to serve in a city and hilly areas differs in their design. Aerodynamic design, the mass of the vehicle, etc. are factors that affect the energy consumption of the electric vehicle.
Open-loop simulation of the electric vehicle in different driving cycles could help to determine the factors to be considered for optimal vehicle design.
#4 Electric car battery modeling and life analysis
The battery is the component that supplies energy to an electric vehicle. A simulation model of an electric vehicle battery can be developed in Matlab and other software.
Life of battery affects the overall cost of an electric vehicle. Regenerative braking of the electric vehicle can be a good project.
Read about Regenerative braking: Advantages, disadvantages, and challenges
It’s not always possible to apply regenerative braking on an electric car.
Percentage of recuperated energy calculation, improvement of energy recuperation, impact and effectiveness of regenerative braking at low speed, etc are a few MTech electrical engineering project ideas.
Battery life depends on the frequency of charge-discharge cycles. Regenerative braking affects the life of the battery. Analyze how regenerative braking affects the battery.
Supercapacitor integrated battery system for an electric vehicle could be used to store energy generated during braking. It can enhance battery life preventing sudden charging and discharging.
Economical and technical analysis of the supercapacitor-battery integrated system can be an EEE project.
How could be the energy split between battery and supercapacitor so that the life of the battery is maximum?
How could be the energy split between the capacitor and battery for minimizing the life cost of the whole system
#5 Vehicle to grid (V2G) and vehicle to home (V2H): Why does grid integration of EV lag?
Vehicle to grid and vehicle to home do have a large potential of research projects for electrical engineering.
The grid-connected vehicle is a power system related project. An electric car has a battery that can power a house for 20 days. Its a kind of micropower generating station.
An electric car with a bi-directional power converter can act as a load as well as a generator. You can design and develop a bidirectional power converter for electric vehicle grid integration.
An electric vehicle that connected to the grid can be used for
- Peak load shaving
- Load leveling
- Power system stability
- Reducing losses during peak hours
- Capacity reduction of generation at peak hours
Each of the above points becomes really well electrical engineering project.
Algorithm for power flow to and fro electric car and grid can be developed.
#6 How All Wheel Drive (AWD) electric car works: Advantages and challenges
AWD electric cars are a challenging field of research. Electric vehicles are manufactured with a single motor configuration in general. But the advantages of multi-motor multi-axle driving encouraged Tesla to manufacture its multi-axle electric car.
Simulation of a multi-axle all-wheel-drive electric vehicle, energy calculation, battery performance analysis, etc. would be electrical engineering projects in the field of AWD electric vehicle.
We have published the book “Electric Vehicle Research Projects” — Objectives to Conclusion — for Ph.D., MTech, MS, and BTech Electrical Engineering students which is a comprehensive guide to do research in the field of electric vehicles.
Do you get a few electrical engineering project ideas from the article? Here I tried to include a lot of project ideas. You have to think about those ideas to develop them as a good academic research project.
I would create a list of electrical engineering projects soon so that you can directly implement them. 🙂
Comment your queries and wish you a great academic project 🙂
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Originally published at https://getelectricvehicle.com.